
Catch up on reports from past events and news items.

Wellbeing Thursday, 06 Apr 2023

Fostering strong social connections

In 2013, the Wall Street Journal wrote an article called It Takes Planning, Caution to Avoid Being It. It spoke about a group of men who have played the game of tag for 23 years. Why would they do this? Because they saw the joy and benefits in still connecting with one another, even after all these years. At 窪蹋勛圖厙, we are focusing as a whole school on social connections. This is the relationships and friendships you have with the people around you and includes anyone who plays an

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Teaching and Learning Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

A culture of curiosity

On a highway in Silicon Valley, a cryptic billboard posed a mathematical puzzle: {first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com. The answer, 7427466391.com took curious onlookers to another equation. Those who answered correctly were then invited to submit their resume to Google. Why? Because curiosity is a valuable commodity. As the CEO stated: We run this company on questions, not answers. This year, we have started one-to-one peer coaching amongst the staff. The goal is not to

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Vision & Mission Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

Biblical Education

I read an article recently that quoted a 2007 Australian educational forum and its goals for 2020. A statement made within the forum made quite an impression, Essentially, education is about increasing our national productivity. Such was my concern, that the statement has remained prominent in my mind. Implicit in this statement is a concerning world view asserting that the primary purpose of education is to prepare individuals to contribute to national economic productivity. While

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Partnership Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

Partnership in Practice

Last week I reflected on Paul's prayers for the Philippian church, "I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Philippians 1:5. In the spirit of that partnership, I would like to start a series that covers some the of the key ideas we look at in the Knowing God program. From the rich depths of the scriptures, we have decided to focus upon a selection of texts and ideas in order to help your children grow in their faith, or to repent and

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Vision & Mission Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

So what does culturally engaging mean?

Recently, I have been struck by the concept of 'Culturally Engaging'. This is a phrase that is embedded in our schools Mission statement. It begs the question, do we want our students to be engaged with culture? The answer may be well yes but not all parts. In student enrolment interviews the question of What makes 窪蹋勛圖厙 different from other schools? comes up regularly. The concepts of parent partnership and a Christ-centred, biblically grounded and academically vigorous education are

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Learning Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

How modelling failure can build resilience

Learning can be frustrating! Dont get me wrong gaining knowledge is empowering, liberating and essential for personal growth. However, the process of learning can be very frustrating because it often involves making lots of mistakes along the way. Students are surrounded by adults from whom they are constantly learning parents, teachers, coaches, kids church leaders, youth leaders, etc. As adults, we often feel the weight of responsibility that sits upon our shoulders. We want to model

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Wellbeing Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

Mental fitness

At 窪蹋勛圖厙 Christian School, our aim for students is to be equipped to live for Gods glory. We want students to develop an understanding of their identity in God and in his world. We want to help them know and understand their identity: as people made in the image of God, as people who have tragically sinned and as people who are welcomed back into relationship with God as they trust in Jesus Christ. We seek to help all our students understand how these realities shape every element of who

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Friday, 17 Mar 2023

Helping setup good study habits

As weve now hit the half-way mark of Term 1, you may have noticed that the demands of homework and assessments have started to increase. As parents, we often want to jump in and help our children navigate the tasks ahead. The big question is how do you do that without taking over? Here are seven tips to help parents support their children with good study habits at home. 1. Set the scene Create a study space which is conducive to learning. Having quick access to books, resources and

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Thursday, 06 Oct 2022

Jesus Rocks the World

During the school holidays, Colin Buchanan delighted over 500 people from our community and beyond with a fabulous concert. Who can save the day? Take our sins away? Who can rescue us with mighty power? Colin, with his fluffy yellow puppet pal, Nudge, answered these and more questions by pointing us back to our Super Saviour, Jesus. Thank you to all the amazing parents and staff who helped make this wonderful community event possible. We couldn't have done it without you!

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